RGGGS Forms and Membership

The Society is the Breed Society on the mainland and is affiliated to the British Goat Society, its members being entitled to all the privileges of that affiliation.

The Object of the Society is to promote the Royal Golden Guernsey goat and provide a means of communication between those interested in the breed.

Members are encouraged to register all eligible goats with the BGS and this can be achieved either by joining the RGGGS using the forms below and submitting registration forms via the Society, or by joining the BGS.

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Full members (special arrangements can be made for non-UK members)

  • receive the Society’s quarterly Journal
  • receive the annual Stud Register
  • may attend and vote at the Annual General Meeting
  • may attend the annual Breed Show, under the Rules and Regulations of the B.G.S.
  • may attend the regional shows and get-togethers
  • may join the on-line Members’ Group for help or advice, advertise goats and equipment or just a chat with other owners (After joining the Society, you will receive an email inviting you to join the Members’ Group with your unique User name and Password, you can alter the latter after joining the Group. Please do not attempt to join before you receive this, as it will fail our validation process and be rejected).
  • may obtain free pedigrees of goats
  • may request a free stick or disc loaded with all the previous issues of the Journal (a prepaid padded envelope is required). Breeders outside the UK by special arrangement.